A sudden downpour soaks the target creature or object. The rain follows the subject up to the range of the spell, soaking the target with water. If the target is on fire, the flames are automatically extinguished. Fires smaller than campfires (such as lanterns and torches) are automatically extinguished by this spell. _Note from Jason Bulmahn_: The following spells are different from your standard cantrips. They are rare cantrips. Spellcasters that gain access to all 0-level spells at 1st level do not gain access to rare cantrips. A spellcaster gains access to rare cantrips only by uncovering their secrets in some other way. Some are guarded by jealous mages, while others are lost in missing libraries or molder on forgotten scrolls. These cantrips are not legal in Pathfinder Society play. Note that [_penumbra_](/spells/penumbra) was changed into the higher-level spell [_protective penumbra_](/spells/protective-penumbra). The cantrip version is similar, but does not replace its higher-level counterpart.